Text: Hosea 7:11
"Ephraim is also like a silly dove without heart: they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria"
Only a man who has lost trust can hop from one place to another. Are you like Ephraim, the cake unturned, a silly dove? Do you hop around looking for solutions where they do not exist? It's either you're in this prayer house or that. Why don't you trust and obey the Lord?
God is not a man that he should lie, why do we listen to misleading men and fake prophets instead of God?
When we are overwhelmed, it is then that trust is expressed in its meaning. Oh for such grace!
There will be no fruit of absolute trust where worry exists. Anxiety does not make for any changes, for all that there is to say is that all things work for good unto them that love God, even if it is working to build our trust level.
The Devil always suggests solutions aside from God's plan when we feel pressured. Do not yield to it! He gives you a reason to believe that the problem is not worth the wait and tries to play on your mind. He says, "You are in a place where holiness is preached unnecessarily, there are ways to get things in the world" or " Come out from that old-fashioned environment" It is not the devil's opinion that stands but God's. Believe God for every word and He'll prove them to you. Amen.
A silly dove that calls Egypt and Assyria...
Do you doubt the leading of God in a matter? Wait until you receive confidence in God's voice. Do you doubt the love of God for you? Remember this! He gave Jesus to die for your sins. Wait on God and do not wander?
Do you expect a blessing or healing? Count your present blessings and that will give you the courage to trust God
Seek not help from men. They will not give it freely. Do not call on Egypt, leave Assyria. Do not mix with unbelievers, wild asses and evil men. Do not hire lovers. (Hosea 8:9) even for some moments. God is ever-present. Be aware. Do not lose God's love (Hosea 9:3)
Do not let satan rob you of a great testimony in Christ. Do not go back to your vomit, Christ has forgiven you. Let your heart be sure of its lover, Christ. Wait on God, wait for Him. Stay with him. Stay. Keep hope.