"And I will wait upon the LORD, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him.
When expectations take so long, that is the time to hear from God and continue hearing from Him.
It is very easy to stray away from Him in periods of waiting as Satan quickly projects his options.
What does Life withhold from you? Very necessary things, they may be.
A child, a spouse, money, health, ministerial grace, do you have no guide?
What bothers you? Unanswered prayers? Keep banking, I mean keep saving those tearful prayers. God answers.
Are you trusting God for your Nation?
We must wait on God, especially at a time when it seems He is hidden. We must be sensitive also to know to detect a Satan-sponsored blessing.
However, many times, we are the reason for the delay of God's blessings through our prolonged obedience or disobedience to His word, calling or purpose. It could be a neglect of his commandments or a step on self-will. There is a need to reflect on the things we do daily. God is always Faithful. Don't forget.
And I will wait.
May God grant us grace.