Isaiah 34:5
"For my Sword shall be bathed in heaven, behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my course, to judgement"
The battles of Life are mainly spiritual. Everything going on has a bearing, on the spirit realm.
Either studying a course or starting a new day, maybe ailments, including picking a spouse, a dress even! Everything no matter how little has a spiritual part of its physical and a consequence to go by.
Our Swords must be bathed in heaven. The "sword" spoken here refers to our weapon and methods of fighting all life's battles and issues. Look upon everything with the eyes of the spiritual.
Christians have their battles as Christ's battles also. So much difference between the unbelievers and sinners who refuse God's ways. The subduing of nature to the influence of the Spirit is a common battle, a general one for every child of God.
If we indeed seek victory, we must have our Swords bathed in heaven. We cannot fight with our flesh, our insights and judgements as men are very poor if they are not placed under God's light.
Prayers and Prayers again make up the sword, we cannot be said to pray too much but our prayers can be said of being little and episodic, or without faith. When we begin to act opposite our prayers, we pray without faith. The word of God guides our handling of the sword, it tells us how to use the sword in prayers.
A man can receive nothing except it is given from above
Most times what we do is when we cannot pray and wait for God's own victory, and therefore cannot receive it, we take what we see below, men's options (engineered by satanic influence) and way of victory which is indeed not victory.
We must take sin as to be God's enemy and ours and fight it with God's purity. Never a man should cause you to sin against your maker's utmost lover, Christ.
Beware! There must be no unholy mixture, we cannot have the swords bathed in heaven when there is a stain of sin. These days Christians are satisfied when there is "not much sin", and other times when a younger person is the one pointing it at them.
The Sword is what the Lord uses. Will you be different from your Master?
Can anyone live with disorders and fight life's battles with God's sword? Or he will fight with worldly vices and lose the Saviour's side. Do well to include the Church in fighting, to keep the Faith, for it is drifting without knowing.
May God grant us grace.