John 8:31-32
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
It is in continuance that we are considered as disciples. When we first come into the fold, by receiving the gift of salvation, it must not end there, for that is only the beginning. Many Christians do not seek their own growth, with satisfaction at being born again, here we are enjoined to continue in his word.
The Christian grows on studying the words of God in the Holy Scriptures and closely listening to hear from God daily, Praying which involves communication with God and Obedience to the word.
Evangelism requires that you share your faith with unbelievers and sinners. These are the foundation on which the Christian life is built. Any Christian, so-called, that is not engaged in these principles daily has begun to backslide already. How can we maintain the Christian life, the Spiritual life without these?
Just how can the plant survive without the essential air, sunlight and soil nutrients?
It will surely wither, the same happens to us. We wither daily if these things are missing. We cannot amount to anything serious if we forget the foundational principles, we forget to study, pray or speak for Christ.
If we remain dormant only attending services, how can the love of Christ remain fresh? How does our Spirit endure without Christ's regular presence? When the world offers its dainties, its music and entertainment, and all others, where will be the room for Christ? We must keep Christ in us every day and keep the world out! If we do not, we cease to be disciples when we begin to lose Christ for perishable things!
If we continue...
Let us examine our hearts, to be sure we are still disciples.
Sometimes, we may need to offend others for the cause of Christ, we may disappoint people if it so requires, but be sure that you are one with the Lord. Be sure to be obedient to his leadership.
There is a high tendency to depart from God's ways because we want to please men, or because of another man's sin, never must that be!
If we are ready to maintain His presence, there will be a reward of His Spirit and Power for the promotion of His glory. Thereafter, heaven prepared.