1 Corinthians 3:11
“For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
“A preacher preached and I paraphrase, the reason we have a difference in belief and conduct in the Church is that we have left Christ to follow our pastors,” I say by that, we have really left the common foundation, Christ.
There is a difference between following Christ and following Pastors or theology. The various beliefs of the Church today speaks volume. If we have Christ and one bible, how do some say there is no rapture? How may we also come to accept cultures and lifestyles which is repugnant to God’s glorification? Why do we have differences in fundamental foundational truth? The extra-biblical books and form of idolatry in God's Church (for it remains His if we still believe in a revived Church) pose a question? Are these also from Christ?
Beware of what you believe!.
One thing is sure, God has knowledge of His True People. He sees every heart and motive and will reward accordingly to each person.
A popular post by AW Tozer goes thus “ If your Christianity depends upon the Pastor's Preaching, then you're a long way from being where you should be”
‘Follow me as I follow Christ says Apostle Paul'. (1 Corinthians 11:1)
Friends, no matter where you are, remember your home, your foundation in Christ and the doctrines of the Bible, the Holy Spirit convictions, true Convictions, not those coined from false teaching. Place everything you are taught in the light of the Scriptures and God's verdict. What has formed your present belief and practice? Are they really God-given?
May God give us grace.