"In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel."
The branch and the fruit, though referring to Christ could as well become us, his followers.
We must continually lean on Christ and His way of Life to become a branch to bear fruit.
A branch of the holy Priesthood was Christ and so should we.
Recall that the terms "glory and beauty" were used for Priests in the books of Moses.
A fruit, a sacrifice for sins to the world
We should (and must) also lay down our life, time and energy for the purpose of bringing people to Christ
It's a two-fold service.
It's not just for a while but for eternity, till we see Jesus.
People around us are without the truth.
I dare to say that the majority of Christians only play religion.
Does this make you feel concerned?
Do you feel burdened?
Think of all possible means to woo a soul to Christ.
Pray, for you must, show Christ's love in how you treat people around you, preach, and communicate the biblical truths with opportunities God gives. Give a reason for the different lifestyle you portray, ask questions as to why they do things the way they do, the songs and all (you must show it if you really care about sinners and please care), study to show yourself approved in answering questions, make reference to biblical truths than ordinary words, refuse to react to unpleasant words and actions, show humility (people become free with humble people by default) and be led by the Spirit.
Every day can get you touching at least one Soul for Christ in some way or in a progressive manner. Refuse to be carried away with YOURSELF. Be patient with this duty as God leads you. Be disciplined in your duty of prayer.
What kind of sacrifice do you make for this perishing world in bringing men to Christ?
Do we dare to give up our RIGHTS to have a chance to affect lives? Are we also struggling LIKE the people of the world for mundane things?
The earth is not your home, O Saint of God.
May God give us grace.