“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. 2 But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. 5 Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” (John 10: 1- 5)
A call for a solemn assembly
The room was packed with college students; Christian leaders from different disciplines. I walked into the small hall where I was to take an exposition. Everyone was waiting to hear a word, eager and expectant. Some were meeting me for the first time, others knew me already. You could see the quiet nod of approval as I took the stage. The place had the air of a solemn assembly. No one was applauding or cheering. You could feel your own breath in the room. It seemed I had walked in after a session of prayer. Some heads were still bowed muttering words. The atmosphere was thick.
An erring sheep
I walked quietly to the podium. I was meant to stand but I asked for a chair to sit instead. I had a small paper containing some key points. I sat for a while without any word. My heart was heavy. There was a problem. Rather problems. I really couldn’t place a finger on all. But first, I was not sure I was prepared to take the exposition. Secondly, Maybe I wasn’t the right person to take the exposition. I knew their perception was biased. They felt that’s the man for the job. But unfortunately, these guys (permit it for now) didn’t know me. Maybe they do or maybe not. But I thought: do they know how many times I broke out from the fold because something glittering got my attention on the other side, or do they know I was the one out of the ninety-nine that got missing; or how I betrayed the shepherd and sold out our clan; or how I squandered true riches to live a riotous life, and finally ended up feeding swine? I looked at the eyes staring at me, without a word. These were the same people I betrayed. They are family. I was standing right in their midst. “Do they know I was the sheep that was lost or I was a speaker worth hearing”?
The undying love of a saviour for a diseased flock
I felt the love of the brethren again even though I have done a dirty job for “thirty pieces of silver”. I don’t know how many hearts perceive me as a wonderful believer or perhaps a preacher.
For me, I was there to speak not because I was a wonderful believer or preacher. I was there to speak of a love strong enough to pull me into the fold. “Oh the love that drew salvation’s plan, oh the grace that brought it down to man…!”
He came through for me. He came searching to restore me to fellowship (fold). He fought to snatch me (sheep) from the mouth of the lion (1 Samuel 17:34-36). In the process, he suffered shame. He is despised and rejected by men. He bore my griefs and carried my sorrows. He was wounded for my transgressions, he was bruised for my iniquities, and the chastisement of my peace was upon him. He was numbered with the transgressors because he came looking for me (Isaiah 53:12).
Now I know. There is nothing “sweet” about the world. I have been there.
As I narrated my experience I saw tears welled up their eyes, waiting for a blink to drop. Many could relate to my story; for it was common to see those who think life outside the fold was wonderful. It was common among the flock that some made friends with the world. It was common to see sheep who admired Babylonish attires. Some think you can only make it outside the fold. Also, it was common to see those who entertain themselves with worldly amusement. Some read secular books more than they read their bible and would make an argument for it. They hung on every word from some expert, and handle the word of God with levity. Sadly, many a time you could find a good portion of the flock looking outside the fold and desiring the provision of the world. Not to mention those who come under the false protection of wolves and big cats for fear. And those who think you have to go outside the fold to make it big and be well respected and dine with people who matter in society. What about the seduction that is constantly shipped into the fold, and the distress and schisms from worldly influence. The sheepfold is now a battleground of heresy. Hireling who cares nothing about the souls of the flock has filled the pulpit. They speak for showmanship and mammon, deceiving many.
Spare some time and take a stroll among the flock and you’ll soon discover the preoccupation of the believers is to own a ‘Benz and their conversation is filled with the latest sports event in town and all sort of entertainment. You could see the madness with which they clamour for worldly possessions. From the beginning, it was not so. In all these here is the saviour calling earnestly for sinners to come home.
A call to return to the supreme task
We have a duty to protect the fold. It’s ours and we have to love it. Many of us have learnt (the hard way perhaps ) that within the fold there is love outside of it is “hell”. She is your sister, he is your brother, we are one family. We must not let the flames of love smoulders. The sheepfold whatever it will be is what we make of it. Let’s reach out to the discouraged, rescue the perishing, and care for the dying. It is our common goal to seek the lost, not to join them. We must channel all our time, resources and energy into the supreme task of spreading the gospel. We can’t afford to be distracted or divided. If we don’t do it none will. Furthermore, we have a duty to admonish ourselves. To remind ourselves to “love not the world”. A duty to remind ourselves that light and darkness have nothing in common. May the peace of the Lord keep us even as we do that which pleases him.
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Thank you Lekia for redefining piece. It's only proper we are satisfied with the companionship of the good Shepherd.
Hmm. God bless you Bro. Lekia. God's Word from your mouth is well received.